If you want to know how to cover urgent funds, try using an emergency fund loan! Do you need funds right now, but are hesitant because its your first time taking out an emergency loan? For those people, the [Emergency Loan - Unemployed, Non-face-to-face] app has been released! Check your credit score and what you need to be careful about when it comes to emergency loans and credit! See you right away :)◈ What is an emergency fund loan?-What is an emergency loan? Please note.◈ Frequently Asked Questions- We prepared all the questions we had before taking out an emergency loan! Even those who are unemployed without a credit card or who are worried that their credit score will be lowered if they use an emergency fund loan can check the timing of interest withdrawal on the emergency fund loan and whether early repayment is possible through the app. If you are curious about more questions and content, check it out in the app right now!◈ Check your credit score- We have prepared this for those who want to know what their credit information is before taking out an emergency loan. You can easily check how to check your credit score and what your credit score is. Check it out in the app!◈Precautions- Did you know that you need to pay attention not only to your credit score but also to your mobile phone payment delinquency? Among the reasons for refusal of an emergency fund loan, late payment of installments also accounts for a significant portion. If youre curious about these precautions, check them out right in the app!Loan limit: 1 million won ~ maximum 3 million wonLoan period: Minimum 6 months, maximum 12 months (requires application for extension before loan maturity; can be extended in one-year increments depending on review results)Integrated interest rate range: minimum 3.08% per year to maximum 19.99%, preferential interest rate of up to 1%p applicableExample of loan repayment: When borrowing 3 million won at an annual interest rate of 7% and a lump sum repayment at maturity over 12 months, the total loan cost of 3,000,000 won (monthly payment of 17,500 won) is repaid and the principal is repaid in a lump sum of 3,000,000 won at maturity.*May vary depending on personal loan product and repayment method.[notification]※ This app is for information delivery purposes.※ This app is not a loan execution app.※ This app does not represent the government or government agencies.※ This app was created to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.